Focused Initiatives

Social Causes We Care About

We strive to uplift individuals and communities by working in sectors like education, environment, health, sports, livelihood, and any other area of relevance and aim at inclusive growth. We also work towards bringing dispersal of knowledge among the public in general or to take initiative for the development of the society.


Green India Initiative

We are intend to channelize the appropriate efforts towards the progress of our beloved country while serving and taking responsibility of deprived and saving Environment at large. We aim towards a greener, cleaner and better tomorrow by executing corporate social responsibility projects in rural areas.

We continue to show our commitment to a clean & green tomorrow around the nation.


Plantation Drive

Till date, PRITHVI organized plantation of nearly 3000 saplings of Trees , Herbs and Shrubs in different parts of the nation. Inframitra is ambitious to jointly take this drive forward to the untouched parts of country. Plantation Drive now named as “Peepal Kranti” launched in June 2020 (Peepal- Ficus religiosa or sacred fig).
Photo of the Day - Learning to serve God

Scholarships for Talents

Financial pressures often prevent deserving youth from achieving their potential. We are committed to sponsor education and study material for deserving students with exceptional talents.
Divya Embroidered Cotton Tunic - Large

Skill Development Program

Inframitra, as part of its social responsibility, is committed to improve the quality of life in rural India by promoting skill development workshops and training programs for local communities.
8 Ideals of Beauty from Around the World – Travel Blog

Women Empowerment

At Inframitra, we strive to create self-employment and gender equality awareness in rural India, targeting rural women. Our objectives under this drive are educating, confidence-building, social empowerment and promoting entrepreneurship and connect rural business projects to promote networks of rural women.

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Economically Viable Solutions from Inframitra

Whether your aim is to reduce your electricity bills, reduce your carbon footprint, fulfill regulatory obligations, or accomplish your sustainability goals, Inframitra has a solution for your all needs.

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